
My personal tragedy

It's sad to say when your life evolves so much around one little single machine, and how everything turns upside down when it gives out. Yes, it happened, my laptop died. It wasn't something that was sudden or anything, I actually thought it was going to die several months ago. It started to develop more symptoms as it neared its death. First it was over heating, the battery life suddenly saturated, the computer couldn't get out of sleep mode, and shortly after the sound card died, so did the rest of the computer.

It feels almost like a part of your body has been taken away. As sad as it is, I'm lucky that my older immobile-laptop still works better than my recent laptop. I spent the last few hours of my day trying to configure my old laptop to the settings I need. My only complication is that the operating system runs on Ubunto linux. I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to get my printer working on it, being that there wasn't any specific drivers for my printer made for linux. I'm hoping that I can survive with just this older laptop for now and not have to go buy a new one, but we will see.


  1. is there enough hardware space to install another OS? I'm not sure if we have a windows XP license laying around somewhere. you should ask Quoc. Maybe a new printer that has Linux drivers can be cheaper than a new laptop.. or you can print somewhere else :)

  2. haha thats the worst man. But Ubuntu is not that bad, its actually pretty fun to use and its very customizable :P
