
People People People

In the last few days things have really picked up. Besides having a lot of the ministries technology responsibilities falling on me, something that I know very little about, I have been meeting a lot of new people. The last two days we've been trying to reach out to students. Our methods have been pretty simple. We would approach students and ask them if they want to fill out a survey about their spiritual background and needs, see if they're interested in getting to know God or becoming involved, and collecting their contact information so that we can follow up with them soon.

Despite not being in the mood to go out and do surveys earlier this evening, God allowed me to meet a few interesting students. I met a grad student who seems very interested in finding out more about the ministry. Just from our short conversation, I think he could be a potential leader in the ministry. I'm going to try to meet up with him again later this week. So if you're reading this, pray that God brings him our way.

Other than that, my apartment is still a mess... I've been either too busy or tired to clean things up. We're having a potluck this coming Friday so I will have to get my place in order before then.


Big Friday

So tomorrow and the next few days are going to be crazy as it is one of the most important times for us as a ministry to reach out to new students. It's almost 12am and I just finished the things that I needed to get done to be ready for a big day tomorrow (The university is having an event for students to find spiritual groups). Pray that God brings a lot of students our way and allows us to be able to reach out to them. I'll let you know how it goes later.


Recovered and Renewed

So the Summit was great. Although we weren't able to get all the students that we wanted to go to be there, but we had an amazing weekend. Despite the fact that half of the people who attended falling ill to some stomach bug that got around at the retreat (I recovered on Tuesday), God allowed us (both staff and students) to grow as a ministry as the vision was cast for the year we prepared ourselves for this coming school year.

I met a lot of students for the first time. There were a few students who I was able to get into deep conversations and able to hear their stories. I recently just ate lunch with one of them. He's an international student from China. It was just great to get to talk to him about God, life, philosophy, each other, and his interest in American culture.

this next few weeks is going to be a very busy and crucial time as we try to reach out to students. This coming Friday there are events in which we have the opportunity to connect with students through the university's events that they have for students.

As promised from a few weeks ago, here's a picture of my apartment. I really haven't had the time to organize things yet, so it may look a little messy. But this is home for me for the next year!



It has been a busy busy week as we have been in staff meetings all every day. We are currently planning for "The Summit", which is a retreat that we are going to be using to align student leaders and Crusade staff with the vision for the rest of the year. The site that we are using is approximately an hour from Eugene, and we are getting to use the facility, which is owned by a church, for free.

Our meetings have been really long, around 5-6 hours a day; although, it has really allowed me to get to know the staff team a lot better by understanding everyone's character, strengths and weakness, and some background information about each individual.

If you're reading this and don't mind, I'd like to ask you to pray for "The Summit", that God will simply do his thing in the life of the student leaders as well as the Campus Crusade Staff.


Arrived and alive!

Hello All!

I made it down to Eugene and now I'm in my new apartment (it actually looks really old - I'll post pictures of it later). I have unpacked most things so far and did a little bit of shopping for supplies that I need for the apartment, but I still have yet go buy groceries...

Andrew Enders (Campus Crusade Director at UO), is allowing me to have until Sunday to settle in, find my niche, and get a little more familiar with Eugene before assigning me to do things. Something I am really appreciating because there is still yet so much that I have to do. I'll have another post later in the day, I just need to go finish getting my apartment in order.


The Big Move Down South

Earlier today I was browsing around for a church to go to. I came across one so far, Ekklesia. I don't know much about it so I'm going to look into it a little. If you happen to be reading this blog and have some churches that you know in Eugene that you think I should look into, by all means leave a comment.

So I am moving down south. Not the deep south, but two hours south of Portland. My car is all packed, and I am set and ready to go. I was surprised that everything fits in the car, it's so packed that I can't see outside the rear mirror... so pray that I will have a safe journey.

I'm excited, nervous, with all sorts of mix emotions that you normally get when you wait in anticipation of something great. I feel like a little boy on Christmas Eve, who can't sleep and is sitting there counting the seconds down, until he can open his presents the next day. In my case, my present is the drive down where the next stage of this journey begins.

Over the Labor Day weekend I went to the annual Northwest Vietnamese Christian Conference (a conference of churches from various denominations across the Pacific Northwest from Oregon to Canada). The passage that set the tone for the conference was Romans 8:28-30:

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

The reason that I am sharing this passage with you is that it was really affirming for me. How amazing is it that when we as people love Him, and by loving him, trusting in him, that he will use "all things" that happens in our lives, not "somethings" but "in all things God works for the good..." I just want to leave this post on that thought for everyone who is reading this; just to remember that God will transforms all things in our lives, whether it was a positive or negative experience for the good.