
Just a thought on God

In the past few weeks during our Epic meeting we've been going through a video series called Basic by Francis Chan. It is broken into three video topics: Fear of God, Following Jesus, and Holy Spirit. While the topic of all three of them are important to Christian living, the first topic really stood out for me. In Proverbs 111:10 it says "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom". The reality is that we really should fear God if we with our limited minds try to grasp who God is in all his glory and power. There is no way to measure how great he is, except by stating that he is infinitely greater. Because of his divine nature it only makes sense that we should be fear him, be afraid and tremble in his presence.

Imagine sitting in a room by yourself and all suddenly a pride of untamed lions walked into the same room. How would you react? You may be like me who probably would freeze up in terror in the split second that it would take for the pride to consume me. Now try to imagine an infinite God, who's wrath we deserve and it's only a matter of time before it comes on us for our transgressions, our sins.

But here is the amazing thing. Even though we should be afraid of who God is by his divine nature, but through his characteristics he tells us to "Fear not" (Rev.1:17 ESV). We have this awesome God who cares and loves for us. Not only did he come and took the suffering for us, but he also called us to follow Him. But until we can arrive at the point where we do fear God, we limit who he is in our minds and hearts, and also limiting the power that is given to us through the Holy Spirit.

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