

I woke up yesterday and was excited because it was Tuesday, meaning that we were going to have our Epic meeting later that night. I had an appointment earlier in the day with a student that I'm trying to continue following up with after meeting him the first time a week ago, where I got his contact information when we went around and surveyed students. When I got out of the apartment and hopped on my bike, I made the simple observation that it had rained and thinking to myself that I should be careful.

As I tried to start peddling, my bike wouldn't move. The gear on my bike was stuck. I started to panic, thinking that I was going to be late with my appointment with this student. After about 10 minutes struggling with my bike, I eventually was able to get it back in gear. With my focus now being on time rather then being safe, I tried to quickly get myself to the memorial union where I was meeting him. As I was pedal to the building I noticed that my phone was ringing and I took it out (with one hand still on the steering bar) to see if it was him calling me to wondering if I had arrived yet. It wasn't him, and as I was about to put my the phone back, my bike's gear got jammed again and I found my wheels skidding and eventually myself losing balance and hurling off my bike. As embarrassing as it was, I was okay... just some minor scratches.

As I got to the meeting location, and finding myself about 10 minutes late, I gave him a call to see where he was and after not seeing him wondering if maybe he had left because he didn't see me. Eventually I got a message from him saying that he wasn't able to make it due to a class group project he had.

In my mind at that moment what seemed to be a day that I was really looking forward to, wasn't looking that attractive. However, towards the evening my outlook of the day was very much different.

With an extra hour on my hand, I now had extra time to prepare the Epic meeting; which I found out that I really needed. If you haven't seen a Nooma video before, they're quite good. The one that I chose to show during the meeting was called Rain (watch the video and you'll know what I'm talking about). But I noticed that during the morning, despite literally raining that day, it was raining in my life. However, through all the mess that happened to me earlier, I could have looked at it from a different perspective. Through all of the mess I was given the opportunity to spend that extra time with God, a moment that I wouldn't trade for the world.

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