
The Starting Journey

It is amazing what God does when we simply trust in him. After I heard God's calling for me to continue ministering with the EPIC ministry as an intern after being involved as a student, I felt like God had given me an assignment that seemed impossible. It was not a physical, mental, or spiritual obstacle that I was facing with this internship, rather I was facing a financial one.

This financial situation felt like if it was an immobile mountain that was sitting in my path. As many of you whom I had the opportunity to share with, know that I was facing the challenge of raising financial support for the ministry. It was a substantial amount of money that had to be raised in a very short period of time. I constantly asked myself "what have you gotten yourself into?" Because of the time frame that I was given to raise support, I was afraid of not being able to have it all raised on time. It was not losing an entire summer that I feared (from spending all of my summer raising support and end up not having enough to go), but rather it was the thought of letting my current supporters down, the thought of letting God down that I could not imagine bearing.

Regardless, I knew it was possible. Although I felt as if Jesus had asked me to feed a crowd of 5000 with only 5 loaves of bread and two fish, a couple of verses constantly rolled in the back of my mind reminding me that "I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13); and all that I needed was to "...have faith as small as a mustard seed, you(I) can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you(me)" (Matthew 17:20, emphasis added).

God had called me to this, and I knew he has already paved a path for me to follow. All I needed to do was ask, seek, and knock. As days went by and I continued meeting with people for support, that mountain that once stood in my path started inching away. Faith... such a simple thing that God has asked of us; but because of our nature we make it something so difficult to the point that it may seem impossible. All we need to do is really be like little children (Matthew 18:3-4), and grab on to our Father's hand and allow him to guide us.

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