Over the past few weeks we have been going through a series dealing with relationships during our weekly Epic meeting at UW. We have been discovering as a group what it means to be in relationship with God, with people, and how it all intertwines with one another. One thing that I love about having that opportunity to teach and lead others, you are probably the biggest beneficiary from the content that you are preparing.
One thing that has come up often as we have gone through our series is the realization of how much grace is and always should be our foundational building block of all relationships.
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
6 And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace. Romans 11:6
As believers the realization that we are saved through grace truly brings the word freedom that we share in Christ into perspective. When we are able to understand and fully embrace God's grace it allows us to truly appreciate the joy of knowing the love that comes from God.
A love so great, so vast, limitless that we ought to share with one another. But if Christ is now in us through grace, does that too mean we too ought to shine this grace onto others who have yet to experience this freedom? It is a question that I continue to explore and seek how it would look like to share God's grace with other people, believers and nonbelievers alike. One thing that I try to do as I continue throughout my day is approach others in a way that would reflect God's grace.
Granted we are human and are in a spiritual struggle between our flesh, the world, and the devil, I find myself continuously needing to remind myself of God's love by asking what does it mean to fully embrace this grace given to us so that the joy that we share in Christ can be complete in fullness.
8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 5:8-11
In preparation for the winter and spring... I bought two boxes of Rubitussin at Albertsons earlier in the night. I was just walking through the store on my way to the checkout stand, and there it was... a cart full of Rubitussin drugs on sale for $3 a box (regular price $10.99). It was a bargain, I got two boxes even though I'm not sick. I got a few colds last year in Eugene, so just taking it as precautionary... Thinking of going back again to grab some more if they got any.
On the side note, I'm starting up a Bible study for Epic on Tuesday at 5pm. I'm hoping to start up a few of them. Once I get this one up and going and have someone take over, I'm hoping to have someone else come in and lead so I can start up other stuff.
On the side note, I'm starting up a Bible study for Epic on Tuesday at 5pm. I'm hoping to start up a few of them. Once I get this one up and going and have someone take over, I'm hoping to have someone else come in and lead so I can start up other stuff.
Following Faith Through Love
"Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God" (2 Corinthians 3:17). "For Christ love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again" (2 Corinthians 4:14-15). "...the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love" (Galatians 5:6).
First Week!
I'm currently sitting in the Seattle Metro Campus Crusade Office at a desk. I am glazing out at the window watching cars drive by, and just felt the urge to update my blog. After thinking through that I did complete some work today, I thought it would be appropriate.
So the first week of school has come and gone, and boy, what a busy week it was. Throughout the beginning of the week we were all preparing things to get this fall term up and going and a lot of it was for Thursday.
Thursday was our big day. We had the student club fair during the day, where you would have a sea of students running around trying to figure out what's going on campus at the same time getting free goodies to take home. That lasted from morning to the afternoon.
Later on that day we had our first Epic meeting. Unfortunately we weren't able to reserve a room, which is something that is taking awhile as we're trying to figure out how things work on campus (the HUB, which is the building that all the student clubs meet at is shut down for renovations, and they are disbursing the resources and stuff throughout the campus. It was quite interesting as we had our first meeting in the middle of a dorm lobby. We ended finding a section with a bunch of couches and settled there.
The meeting ended up turning out well. We kept our first meeting simple, just trying to get to know people and sharing about what we're going after this year.
We're still in need of figuring how we're going to be tackling on this year. I'm currently in the process of getting to know the students and trying to establish a leadership team. We really want students who really understand our vision and has a desire to see it happen to be challenged and empowered to lead.
So if you could, please pray that I have discernment/wisdom as I meet with students to figure out who is called to leading in the next couple of weeks.
In the meantime, hope all of you are enjoying your day. It is 5:19pm, I didn't bring my laptop charger and my battery is about to run out. I think it's a good time to pack it up and call it a day.
So the first week of school has come and gone, and boy, what a busy week it was. Throughout the beginning of the week we were all preparing things to get this fall term up and going and a lot of it was for Thursday.
Thursday was our big day. We had the student club fair during the day, where you would have a sea of students running around trying to figure out what's going on campus at the same time getting free goodies to take home. That lasted from morning to the afternoon.
Later on that day we had our first Epic meeting. Unfortunately we weren't able to reserve a room, which is something that is taking awhile as we're trying to figure out how things work on campus (the HUB, which is the building that all the student clubs meet at is shut down for renovations, and they are disbursing the resources and stuff throughout the campus. It was quite interesting as we had our first meeting in the middle of a dorm lobby. We ended finding a section with a bunch of couches and settled there.
The meeting ended up turning out well. We kept our first meeting simple, just trying to get to know people and sharing about what we're going after this year.
We're still in need of figuring how we're going to be tackling on this year. I'm currently in the process of getting to know the students and trying to establish a leadership team. We really want students who really understand our vision and has a desire to see it happen to be challenged and empowered to lead.
So if you could, please pray that I have discernment/wisdom as I meet with students to figure out who is called to leading in the next couple of weeks.
In the meantime, hope all of you are enjoying your day. It is 5:19pm, I didn't bring my laptop charger and my battery is about to run out. I think it's a good time to pack it up and call it a day.
Summer Recap (From my Prayer Letter)
It has been awhile since I wrote my last letter updating what has been going on with the ministry. Since, I have wrapped up the year at the University of Oregon, prepared for and went on a mission trip to SE Asia, and lastly now I am transitioning from ministry at the University of Oregon to helping current and new ministries up in Seattle.
Last weeks at the University of Oregon
The school year ended all so quickly. The last thing I remembered was helping the students plan for the NW Sprummer Retreat with all the Epic ministries in the NW this past Memorial Day weekend. The sum of all the fun from worshipping together, singing and laughing around the campfire, unforgettable conversations, and other stuff doesn’t even measure to what God did that weekend.
The biggest thing that I was praying for during the retreat was that students would have a desire to follow in faith. Some of my students prior to the retreat had doubts about their faith, feeling unfit to serve. After the retreat I was able to sit down and process with them about their thoughts. I couldn’t ask for more when I saw a new change in them, a gained confidence in their faith as they shared with much enthusiasm of the things they are praying for this coming school year.
Southeast Asia Mission Trip
This was by far one of my busiest summers in a long time. From moving out of my apartment in Eugene, my brother getting married, and then going on to SE Asia for a mission trip. Going to SE Asia was an amazing experience. Including myself, there were 3 staff and 5 students. While there is so much that I could share about our trip, in summary we went there with two intentions. First was to share the Gospel to students on the college campus; and second was to see the lives of the five students that we brought along with us transformed.
Between the eight of us, we ended up developing relationships with about 30 students. We met up with them on a frequent basis and shared our culture, interest and values. Through those conversations, we were able to share why Jesus Christ played such an essential role in our lives. Four of them verbally declared Christ as their savior while we were there, and we’re still praying that the local ministries that we partnered up with are able to continue following up with all the friends we met over there.
For me to watch the miracle of a person coming to Christ was just astonishing. Along with sharing the gospel, the students that we had brought along with us learned what it meant to surrender their life to God as allowed the Holy Spirit lead them when meeting people and sharing with them.
Back In Eugene
Meanwhile in Eugene, an individual (Lloyd) who started attending church with me at the end of 2009 gave his life over to God and got baptized while I was in SE Asia. I am really excited for what God is going to do with him. I remember meeting a young man who was confused about who God was, searching for him through various religions and beliefs. Through all the mess that the world brings, he began to sort out the truths. I am thrilled that I can now call him a brother in Christ. Praise God!
It was a great year in Eugene, but I had been asked to come up to Seattle to continue with Epic for another year and helping build the ministry in the Seattle Metro. I have moved up, but I’m still looking for a place more permanent near the University of Washington.
I got the chance to meet some of the students that are currently involved with the ministry here and we have begun planning for the year. Please continue praying with me for those who have yet heard the great news about our loving Savior, and pray for each and every one of us whom Christ has called to share with the world about His kingdom. Also I have gotten to know the Seattle staff team, and they all an amazing bunch. I’m really looking forward to working with them.
A lot of times people walk through life not knowing the impact that they are leaving behind. It is a privilege for anyone when they do witness the fruits of their labor. Producing good fruits is a result of doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right place; those three things equate to simply being obedient to God’s calling on one’s life.
Last weeks at the University of Oregon
The school year ended all so quickly. The last thing I remembered was helping the students plan for the NW Sprummer Retreat with all the Epic ministries in the NW this past Memorial Day weekend. The sum of all the fun from worshipping together, singing and laughing around the campfire, unforgettable conversations, and other stuff doesn’t even measure to what God did that weekend.
The biggest thing that I was praying for during the retreat was that students would have a desire to follow in faith. Some of my students prior to the retreat had doubts about their faith, feeling unfit to serve. After the retreat I was able to sit down and process with them about their thoughts. I couldn’t ask for more when I saw a new change in them, a gained confidence in their faith as they shared with much enthusiasm of the things they are praying for this coming school year.
Southeast Asia Mission Trip
This was by far one of my busiest summers in a long time. From moving out of my apartment in Eugene, my brother getting married, and then going on to SE Asia for a mission trip. Going to SE Asia was an amazing experience. Including myself, there were 3 staff and 5 students. While there is so much that I could share about our trip, in summary we went there with two intentions. First was to share the Gospel to students on the college campus; and second was to see the lives of the five students that we brought along with us transformed.
Between the eight of us, we ended up developing relationships with about 30 students. We met up with them on a frequent basis and shared our culture, interest and values. Through those conversations, we were able to share why Jesus Christ played such an essential role in our lives. Four of them verbally declared Christ as their savior while we were there, and we’re still praying that the local ministries that we partnered up with are able to continue following up with all the friends we met over there.
For me to watch the miracle of a person coming to Christ was just astonishing. Along with sharing the gospel, the students that we had brought along with us learned what it meant to surrender their life to God as allowed the Holy Spirit lead them when meeting people and sharing with them.
Back In Eugene
Meanwhile in Eugene, an individual (Lloyd) who started attending church with me at the end of 2009 gave his life over to God and got baptized while I was in SE Asia. I am really excited for what God is going to do with him. I remember meeting a young man who was confused about who God was, searching for him through various religions and beliefs. Through all the mess that the world brings, he began to sort out the truths. I am thrilled that I can now call him a brother in Christ. Praise God!
It was a great year in Eugene, but I had been asked to come up to Seattle to continue with Epic for another year and helping build the ministry in the Seattle Metro. I have moved up, but I’m still looking for a place more permanent near the University of Washington.
I got the chance to meet some of the students that are currently involved with the ministry here and we have begun planning for the year. Please continue praying with me for those who have yet heard the great news about our loving Savior, and pray for each and every one of us whom Christ has called to share with the world about His kingdom. Also I have gotten to know the Seattle staff team, and they all an amazing bunch. I’m really looking forward to working with them.
A lot of times people walk through life not knowing the impact that they are leaving behind. It is a privilege for anyone when they do witness the fruits of their labor. Producing good fruits is a result of doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right place; those three things equate to simply being obedient to God’s calling on one’s life.
Hello Seattle
So it has been awhile since my last blog. I'm currently in Seattle now, ready to start a new year with Epic here. I have a staff retreat today until Thursday. Going to meet all of the other 18 something odd staff. While I'm looking forward to meeting all of them, not really looking forward to learning so many names.
Anyways, I'm going to start trying to blog again and keep things updated. Once I return from the retreat I'll post all the summer ventures that happened with going on summer project (Just a little preview, it was amazing and God did many crazy good stuff).
Anyways, I'm going to start trying to blog again and keep things updated. Once I return from the retreat I'll post all the summer ventures that happened with going on summer project (Just a little preview, it was amazing and God did many crazy good stuff).
Fairwell Eugene!
I am currently in the middle of packing up my stuff for the summer and moving most of my stuff back to my parents house. I was able to find a friend to stay at my apartment over the summer.
I am really mixed on leaving Eugene. Looking back we had a great year. A lot of learning experiences and a lot of rewarding growth in the lives of the students I got to know and my life as well. I'm going to miss the students and wish I could still be around to help build the ministry. However, I trust God in using the students that have stepped up in faith. I pray that they will continue to seek his wisdom and guidance and be faithful to God's calling on their life.
On the bright side, I am welcoming the change that is in front of me. I am looking forward to the move to Seattle. It is going to be a very different experience. I was able to meet some of the students from UW who came to our retreat that we had over Memorial Day weekend. It was such a blessing to have them there and to hear what was going on in their life any the ministry in Seattle.
On a side note, we had a few Portland State students who attend the retreat as well. As of right now we don't have an Epic ministry presently active at PSU, but a couple of the students that came to the retreat caught vision and are wanting to start up the ministry there. I'm so excited for what is going to happen there; I only wish I could be there to help them in the process.
I really must continue clearing out my apartment, it's quite a mess and I need to get as much things moved out as I can so that my friend can move in. If you're in Portland, I'm looking forward to meeting up with you, just let me know if you're free!
I am really mixed on leaving Eugene. Looking back we had a great year. A lot of learning experiences and a lot of rewarding growth in the lives of the students I got to know and my life as well. I'm going to miss the students and wish I could still be around to help build the ministry. However, I trust God in using the students that have stepped up in faith. I pray that they will continue to seek his wisdom and guidance and be faithful to God's calling on their life.
On the bright side, I am welcoming the change that is in front of me. I am looking forward to the move to Seattle. It is going to be a very different experience. I was able to meet some of the students from UW who came to our retreat that we had over Memorial Day weekend. It was such a blessing to have them there and to hear what was going on in their life any the ministry in Seattle.
On a side note, we had a few Portland State students who attend the retreat as well. As of right now we don't have an Epic ministry presently active at PSU, but a couple of the students that came to the retreat caught vision and are wanting to start up the ministry there. I'm so excited for what is going to happen there; I only wish I could be there to help them in the process.
I really must continue clearing out my apartment, it's quite a mess and I need to get as much things moved out as I can so that my friend can move in. If you're in Portland, I'm looking forward to meeting up with you, just let me know if you're free!
My Ethnic Value
I grew up all my life in a suburb of Portland, Oregon; a small city today of 80,000 Beaverton. The diversity doesn’t compare to some of the bigger cities such as LA, NYC, and the likes, but it was diverse enough that you can find various pockets of ethnic groups. I was raised in a Vietnamese community (church). Amongst the friends that I met through my church, we predominantly spoke English with one another, and I felt that when connecting with other Asian Americans, it wasn’t much of a difference culturally to connect with them as well. Because of the comfort that I gained through AA communities, it almost didn’t make sense to me when I see other AA who wouldn’t embrace the idea of being part of our community.
I remember my second and third year in college when EPIC wasn’t a strong presence in my life. I wanted to continue growing in my faith and at times I felt the Vietnamese church that I grew up in lacked in the area that I felt I needed to grow in my faith. There’s a church in Portland called Portland City Bible. It’s one of the bigger ones and they happened to have a satellite service on Wednesday at Portland State. I decided to go simply because I thought it would be a nice breather after lying around in the library all day (I was the one in the group of Asians who just happened to be there, seldom studying and often distracting others). I started learning a lot and I really enjoyed being able to take in the in-depth exploration of the gospel.
One day I came early to the service and while I waited for them to get started, a busted out my textbook like a good Asian boy and started studying. Than an individual who saw me kind of just sitting there by myself came up and introduced herself to me. I’m usually bad with names, but the only reason that I remembered Katrina’s name was because of the storm that hit New Orleans, and also the fact that she was probably the prettiest half Vietnamese girl that I have ever seen.
A few weeks later she invited me to join one if their Bible study, which I wasn’t hesitant to go at first because it was on the complete other side of town. But I would say I am guilty, I went to a Bible study for a girl. The saddest thing ever was that she never came! I thought to myself and came to the conclusion that I can’t be attending this Bible study for this amazingly beautiful girl, but I had to go with the heart of just wanting to know God. I continued commuting to this Bible study for a few weeks, and I just realized that I just really felt totally out of place. Not just because I was the only ethnic minority in the group, but mostly because I felt I didn’t culturally connect with them.
I eventually stopped going, and sad to say I never saw Katrina again after that invitation from her; but I realized one thing from that experience, and that was how much I valued a community that I could connect with that I would not just understand, but would also understand me.
I remember my second and third year in college when EPIC wasn’t a strong presence in my life. I wanted to continue growing in my faith and at times I felt the Vietnamese church that I grew up in lacked in the area that I felt I needed to grow in my faith. There’s a church in Portland called Portland City Bible. It’s one of the bigger ones and they happened to have a satellite service on Wednesday at Portland State. I decided to go simply because I thought it would be a nice breather after lying around in the library all day (I was the one in the group of Asians who just happened to be there, seldom studying and often distracting others). I started learning a lot and I really enjoyed being able to take in the in-depth exploration of the gospel.
One day I came early to the service and while I waited for them to get started, a busted out my textbook like a good Asian boy and started studying. Than an individual who saw me kind of just sitting there by myself came up and introduced herself to me. I’m usually bad with names, but the only reason that I remembered Katrina’s name was because of the storm that hit New Orleans, and also the fact that she was probably the prettiest half Vietnamese girl that I have ever seen.
A few weeks later she invited me to join one if their Bible study, which I wasn’t hesitant to go at first because it was on the complete other side of town. But I would say I am guilty, I went to a Bible study for a girl. The saddest thing ever was that she never came! I thought to myself and came to the conclusion that I can’t be attending this Bible study for this amazingly beautiful girl, but I had to go with the heart of just wanting to know God. I continued commuting to this Bible study for a few weeks, and I just realized that I just really felt totally out of place. Not just because I was the only ethnic minority in the group, but mostly because I felt I didn’t culturally connect with them.
I eventually stopped going, and sad to say I never saw Katrina again after that invitation from her; but I realized one thing from that experience, and that was how much I valued a community that I could connect with that I would not just understand, but would also understand me.
In part of bringing my small number of readers together, I'm going to share with you some thoughts that I have been juggling on my head and would love for you to respond off of each other.
If you ever have formed a task oriented group, you often find certain individuals taking certain roles; whether they are self prompted or urged by others. It is often one or two individual takes command and charge, assuming that the some members of the group is remotely productive and the rest some how falls in line.
That leader, whether they are formally recognized as the leader or not by the group, is placed in a position to take responsibility for the success and failure of the task on hand. The leader is often sought to assist in duties belonging to others. The perception of success in completing the task at the end of the day, in reality comes down to does that leader take on his or her share of responsibility and filling in the holes left from others.
I guess to be more thorough, I'm talking about situations where leaders step up to fill in a void versus being appointed to fill in the void. To be more clear, the difference between the two is one who unintentionally finds his/her way to becoming the leader versus and the other who intentionally desires.
If you are still reading this, you probably would have guessed that this some how relates back to me. What my thoughts concerning this subject really come down to is the responsibility and expectation that is placed on a leader. Is it fair to put certain responsibilities on certain individuals over others, simply because one happens to be the one to initiate and be the vocal one in the group? Is that why people try shy away and keep quiet in groups in fear of the consequences of stepping up?
I am finding it hard to say no to responsibilities. I do realize that as an intern with the ministry in one way or another I am leading and have accepted certain responsibilities. However, does that necessarily equate into myself being responsible for other people's thoughts, response, or lack of one?
Share your thoughts! What are your thoughts and perception as a leader? Socially what are the certain expectations placed on them and is it fair to do so? What is your expectation as a leader?
If you ever have formed a task oriented group, you often find certain individuals taking certain roles; whether they are self prompted or urged by others. It is often one or two individual takes command and charge, assuming that the some members of the group is remotely productive and the rest some how falls in line.
That leader, whether they are formally recognized as the leader or not by the group, is placed in a position to take responsibility for the success and failure of the task on hand. The leader is often sought to assist in duties belonging to others. The perception of success in completing the task at the end of the day, in reality comes down to does that leader take on his or her share of responsibility and filling in the holes left from others.
I guess to be more thorough, I'm talking about situations where leaders step up to fill in a void versus being appointed to fill in the void. To be more clear, the difference between the two is one who unintentionally finds his/her way to becoming the leader versus and the other who intentionally desires.
If you are still reading this, you probably would have guessed that this some how relates back to me. What my thoughts concerning this subject really come down to is the responsibility and expectation that is placed on a leader. Is it fair to put certain responsibilities on certain individuals over others, simply because one happens to be the one to initiate and be the vocal one in the group? Is that why people try shy away and keep quiet in groups in fear of the consequences of stepping up?
I am finding it hard to say no to responsibilities. I do realize that as an intern with the ministry in one way or another I am leading and have accepted certain responsibilities. However, does that necessarily equate into myself being responsible for other people's thoughts, response, or lack of one?
Share your thoughts! What are your thoughts and perception as a leader? Socially what are the certain expectations placed on them and is it fair to do so? What is your expectation as a leader?
A Future to Contemplate
So I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last few weeks. Most having to do with what I will be doing after this year at UO. Thoughts concerning where God is going to take me... Re-interning again has been something that I've been really praying about as I've been asked to consider doing. My other possible scenario is to return back to Portland and pursuing a career.
It's been a tough decision. On one end I want to allow God to lead me and be able to follow Him faithfully. On the other end there is the aspect of wanting to have some sort of control of what is going on in my life. There is a certain level of comfort in having some sort of power to steer your own life (financially, socially, etc). At the end of the day, I ended up having to ask myself... "Am I being faithful to God in the decision that I end up making?"
Despite not having any clear cut sign in deciding to intern again that I would be able to say without a doubt that this is what God wants me to do; there hasn't been anything that would oppose the decision other then options that when I look at them, they could be categorized as selfish ambitions. Now I stand, knocking on the door. Should God want me to enter another year I believe that he will clear a path for me to follow on and will provide all that I need. At this point I'm not quite ready to fully announce my definite plans after this internship just yet. I want to follow up on a few things and fully understand the situation before I make the decision, which I feel will be coming soon in this next week.
It's been a tough decision. On one end I want to allow God to lead me and be able to follow Him faithfully. On the other end there is the aspect of wanting to have some sort of control of what is going on in my life. There is a certain level of comfort in having some sort of power to steer your own life (financially, socially, etc). At the end of the day, I ended up having to ask myself... "Am I being faithful to God in the decision that I end up making?"
Despite not having any clear cut sign in deciding to intern again that I would be able to say without a doubt that this is what God wants me to do; there hasn't been anything that would oppose the decision other then options that when I look at them, they could be categorized as selfish ambitions. Now I stand, knocking on the door. Should God want me to enter another year I believe that he will clear a path for me to follow on and will provide all that I need. At this point I'm not quite ready to fully announce my definite plans after this internship just yet. I want to follow up on a few things and fully understand the situation before I make the decision, which I feel will be coming soon in this next week.
Nam returns to blogging
So the last time I blogged was about my computer dying. This time I'm blogging from my new computer that I got in in February on an emergency run to Staples because I needed to buy it to prepare for Summer Project. Today is Good Friday. Today we're having several of the different college ministries joining together for a service in the middle of the campus. This entire week the campus ministries have been doing a co-joint effort to share the Gospel together. From simple activities such as sharing God's love by going around with an umbrella and offering students to walk them to class when it was raining, having Christian professors share their faith, to students going around offering other students a chance to hear about the Good News.
In regards to ministry this is the start of a new term. I'm transitioning to the last stage of the year; getting the students to be ready to lead going into next year. I'm going to try to make an effort to at least blog once a week. If you're a reader and you happen to see that I've delayed in updating, please don't be shy to let me know to get on it.
In regards to ministry this is the start of a new term. I'm transitioning to the last stage of the year; getting the students to be ready to lead going into next year. I'm going to try to make an effort to at least blog once a week. If you're a reader and you happen to see that I've delayed in updating, please don't be shy to let me know to get on it.
My personal tragedy
It's sad to say when your life evolves so much around one little single machine, and how everything turns upside down when it gives out. Yes, it happened, my laptop died. It wasn't something that was sudden or anything, I actually thought it was going to die several months ago. It started to develop more symptoms as it neared its death. First it was over heating, the battery life suddenly saturated, the computer couldn't get out of sleep mode, and shortly after the sound card died, so did the rest of the computer.

It feels almost like a part of your body has been taken away. As sad as it is, I'm lucky that my older immobile-laptop still works better than my recent laptop. I spent the last few hours of my day trying to configure my old laptop to the settings I need. My only complication is that the operating system runs on Ubunto linux. I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to get my printer working on it, being that there wasn't any specific drivers for my printer made for linux. I'm hoping that I can survive with just this older laptop for now and not have to go buy a new one, but we will see.

It feels almost like a part of your body has been taken away. As sad as it is, I'm lucky that my older immobile-laptop still works better than my recent laptop. I spent the last few hours of my day trying to configure my old laptop to the settings I need. My only complication is that the operating system runs on Ubunto linux. I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to get my printer working on it, being that there wasn't any specific drivers for my printer made for linux. I'm hoping that I can survive with just this older laptop for now and not have to go buy a new one, but we will see.
Epic Conference

Epic Conference has come and gone, but all is not over. Rather, it is the beginning of something beautiful. Very beautiful. The news of great joy of those who have gained a hope in Christ, relationships established and strengthened, and a vision placed in view in wait to be pursued.
Despite the birth of a slow start. Obstacles from passage to board, not long did momentum start to give way. Shouts of praise and worship from dawn to dust. Loud did they sing, with hunger and thirst, with love for Him who came first. Into the city, four hundred in all, in small groups they departed. To the piers, to the schools, to the market, under the rain with air so cool; with the Good News in hand, sharing with those who would lend an ear to one and all who would step up this year.
Over the city did night fall, back the students went, back to the worship hall. Stories were told, so precious they were, as that of gold. With much celebration, with much dance, they pranced in God's romance.

Relationships rekindled, relationships found new. Strangers never again, meetings overdue. Forgotten not, the story learned, but conference finally came to be adjourned. To their homes, to their campuses, did the hundreds went; to witness of Him from heaven was sent.
This is where our ministry now sits. Pushing forward we go, so that one day all will know. Together we will, with God's love, with hearts to fill; Trusting in him to guide, as the church, as his bride.
Students' stories after the day of outreach
Our Last Meeting
It's the first week of the winter term and today we had our first meeting. We invited our Campus Crusade directors to our meeting to introduce them to the rest of the group. Besides sharing what our we're aiming for this year, being real and intentional, the directors were able to share with them, what we're going for beyond the epic ministry.
I feel like we're actually getting momentum with this ministry, we had a good turn out and a group that I feel can really go after our goal of spreading the Word. We have our Epic conference coming up in a week. If you're reading this, please pray for transportation, that we'll have enough rides and a safe trip. Also that God will continue to convict student's hearts to go and be impacted from what they experience and learn and the conference, where it will be transferable to the campus that they go to.
Along with getting the ministry operations going, I think the community aspect of it is picking up as well. We're becoming more like a family.
I feel like we're actually getting momentum with this ministry, we had a good turn out and a group that I feel can really go after our goal of spreading the Word. We have our Epic conference coming up in a week. If you're reading this, please pray for transportation, that we'll have enough rides and a safe trip. Also that God will continue to convict student's hearts to go and be impacted from what they experience and learn and the conference, where it will be transferable to the campus that they go to.
Along with getting the ministry operations going, I think the community aspect of it is picking up as well. We're becoming more like a family.
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